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Susan Campbell

Debunking the Powers of Hypnosis

” Whatever the mind of man can develop and believe it can accomplish.” Napolean Hill Hypnosis is an enjoyable, easy and reliable method to alter our bad routines into excellent ones and our unfavorable feelings

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Susan Campbell

Medical Hypnosis

Medical Hypnosis Did you understand that Americans spend as much out-of-pocket for holistic solutions such as hypnosis as they do for inpatient hospitalizations? The Eisenberg studies of 1991 and again in 1997 shocked the mainstream

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Susan Campbell

What Is Hypnotherapy And How Does It Work?

The word “sleep” is frequently utilized in connection with hypnosis and hypnotherapy, hypnosis is not a state of deep sleep. It does, nevertheless, induce a trance-like condition that actually increases the subject’s state of awareness

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hypnotherapy for weight loss
Susan Campbell

An overview of hypnosis

Hypnosis is state of mind where an individual is subjected to regulated thoughts and habits. Hypnosis includes two persons – the persons being dealt with to experiment is called subject while the one performing the

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